Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bien Jouée!: Marie's in the Shark Tank! Not a Metaphor For Yrma's House, Just an Official Visit: Phew!

Impressive, Marie. Don't try this at home, Mary!

Darling Marie was at the Kattegatcentret today to open their new exhibit "The Sea in Action". The Kattegatcentret is the new marine science centre and museum that Daisy and Henrik opened not long ago. Nice little tag-team action there with Daisy's favourite daughter-in-law Marie showing up to extend the royalest of the royal family's connections to this exciting new aquarium in Copenhagen. Marie got a chance to chat with some kiddos upon her arrival, to see the outdoor space with kayaking scientists and participate in some interactive kayaking of her own. An over-30 year old arse in tight khaki trousers is rarely a good thing, but Marie's workouts are paying off!

Interesting noting that even rose-coloured sugar press and pro-monarchy magazine Billed Bladet didn't put a particularly flattering photie of Marie on their webpage with a tiny article about her visit. It almost even looks as if she has Madam's presque-zizi! Considering how much love there is for la Belle Marie's flawless backside from the BT photographer, you wonder if BB's contract with Mary or Daisy's Grey Men hasn't quite yet expired. Perhaps an extension was in order so that Mary's fooled into falling further into the honey trap? Mwoah, Daisy!

Article: Billed Bladet

Festive Reception for Princess Marie at Kattegat Centre in Grenaa.

There were no signs of hydrophobia with Princess Marie at the opening of a new exhibition in the Kattegat Centre in Grenaa.

The royal guest boldly sat up in a kayak model, where the sea was on a screen in front of her, and after a rowing trip she could hit dry ground in the country.

It was the princess's first visit to the centre, where Marie also came close to sharks and other sea creatures.

"The Sea in Action" is the new exhibition at Kattegatcentret as Marie today highlighted and, according to the centre's website, they promise a whole new experience for those who love to challenge both body and brain.

They picked the right princess!

Photos: Henning Bagger


  1. That jacket looks like the Zara jacket Mary wore in London last year during the Olympics. Marie looks great here. Agree, nice booty.

  2. Marie est très belle et souriante, elle ne ressemble pas à l'affreuse Bogan qui se met à boire car son mariage est zéro !:!!
